描述 |
标准 |
MIL-PRF-32052 |
规范 |
4 |
描述 |
Battery, Rechargeable, Sealed BB-XX47/U and BB-X847/U |
分类归属 |
6140 |
文档状态 |
文档日期 |
2014-01-31 |
审查日期 |
2019-01-30 |
文档类型 |
Performance Specification |
文档注释 |
It is recommended that you use Adobe Reader v7.0 or higher for optimal download performance;older versions should continue to work, but downloading large files may appear to take longer, so please be patient in those cases. |
起草机构 |
AS |
编制机构 |
US Army Communications Electronics Command |
协调级别 |
Limited |
陆军管理 |
US Army Communications Electronics Command |